Picadinho de carne de vaca
Lavem carne devaca bem macia, e piquem-na bem miudinha. A seguir adicionem-lhe cravo,açafrão, pimenta, gengibre, cheiro-verde bem cortadinho, cebola batida, vinagree sal. Refoguem tudo no azeite, e deixem cozinhar até secar a água. Sirvamsobre fatias de pão.
Beef mince (English translation found here)
Wash the tender cow's meat, and mince it well. Next add cloves, saffron, black pepper, ginger (I've never heard of cheiro-verde, it translate literally as"green-smell") well chopped, crushed onion, vinegar and salt. Saute everything in the olive oil, and let cook until it the juices dry. Serve over sliced bread.
My redaction
500gm beef
1 t each of cloves, pepper and ginger
A pinch of saffron
1 T of parsley, chopped (less if dried)
1 onion, finely chopped
1 T vinegar (balsamic is nice, I also used a mix of pinot grigio and malt)
1 t salt
1 T olive oil
Cook onion in olive oil until translucent then add mince and brown.
Add spices and cook until fragrant.
Add parsley and vinegar and continue to cook until mince is fully cooked.
Serve over bread/toast or I made flat breads which were delicious with it.
The mince has a lovely spicy flavour and the tang of the vinegar works well with fattier mince.
The mince has a lovely spicy flavour and the tang of the vinegar works well with fattier mince.